Poinsettia Ball History

The Poinsettia Debutante Ball was established in 1968 at the proposal of Mrs. John W. Gustafson. The Birmingham Ballet board of trustees gave its enthusiastic approval. In 1981, The Alabama Ballet was established as an outgrowth of the Birmingham Civic Ballet, the University of Alabama at Birmingham Ballet and Ballet Alabama. Gustafson and Mrs. Louis A. Prosch Jr. served as the first ball chairmen. All proceeds from the ball support the Alabama Ballet.

Miss Ayden Christie Anderson

Miss Emily Elizabeth Avis

Miss Blakely Berryhill

Miss Sarah Margaret Bodiford

Miss Cailin Emma Campbell

Miss Riley Marie Early

Miss Merritt Elizabeth Flynn

Miss Ella McKee Harper

Miss Victoria Vandegrift Holmes

Miss Lily Ann Johnston

Miss Emma Catherine Kerby

Miss Mary Alexandra Maluff

Miss Katherine Adriana Morros

Miss Eleanor Russ Petrey

Miss Anna Spencer Lawley

Miss Mary Lansley Schick

Miss Sara Frances Steadman

Miss Anna Catherine Tanner

Miss Ashby Clark Thomas

Miss Mary Claire vonEschenbach

Miss Sela Adison White

Miss Riley Elizabeth Williamson

Miss Addison Elaine Wint

2024 Debutantes

2024 Junior Debutantes

Miss Mary Paten Bean

Miss Julia Kate Bochnak

Miss Meredith Jane Bochnak

Miss Ridley Tate Box

Miss Lauren Paige Christian

Miss Berkley Elizabeth Dobbins

Miss Elizabeth Pearl Ennis

Miss Carlin Olivia Gregory

Miss Ava Elisabeth McCleary

Miss Ashley Mae McJunkin

Miss Kennedy Claire Moreland

Miss Mary Kenyon Nall

Miss Emerson Faye Passman

Miss Elizabeth Cecilia Peters

Miss Emma Jane Rhett

Miss Elizabeth Lacey Rohner

Miss Madalyn Pate Saia

Miss Riley Elizabeth Shadrick

Miss Caroline Reese Tyndall